Articles on our Study Abroad Programs
Some insights on sustainability, human rights, and community service.
Expectations on an upcoming Indigenous Studies Program.
"Medicine Hat College students heading to Costa Rica." - Bribri Community
Business students learned about sustainable business tourism practices.
"Study Abroad opportunities for UPEI students at all-time high." - Thanks to GSO Funding
Find a new understanding of culture, ancestral knowledge & traditions.
"MHC Students Live amongst the Rainforest." - Find a new understanding of culture
New International Internship Program opens doors for job placements abroad.
"STUdent Megan Gibson Works with Costa Rican Organization."
Students explore Remote Work Opportunities in Costa Rica.
"Humber College Employer Spotlight." - Alexis Wren on Virtual Internships
Meaningful and engaging experiences to the Humber College community.
"Another Successful Semester of WIL Opportunities along with GLP."
14-Week Work Placement in Costa Rica for NGO (ASONI).
"International Development Student Daisy Cortez supports children in need."
Bridging the Gap in Healthcare (100,000 Strong in the Americas).
"Linguistic and Cultural Training for Professionals and Students in Costa Rica and the USA."
Visita Universidad de Costa Rica - Lander University.
"Prof. Rachel Schiera explores the UCR campus and seeks collaboration opportunities."
Gilman scholarship supports study abroad opportunities.
"Nursing and Healthcare Costa Rica trip. - Lush rainforests, beautiful beaches and aromatic coffees"
Multidisciplinary Western students discover CR through a new study trip program.
"Traveling as a tourist will not give you the same skills, networking, and cultural awareness."
It shouldn't be political to care about the environment.
"We aren’t ashamed to consume, we are encouraged to" - Shreya Menon, Western University
I have been bitten by the travel bug and want to do a lot more.
"Worldly, understanding, humbled, and enriched." - Justin Dickinson, Kansas State University
Dental students make friends and memories in Costa Rica.
“Exciting and nerve wracking experience." - Samantha Barnes, Durham College
Climate action is driven in cultural norms.
“Humans and nature work together in reciprocity." - Emma Fackenthall, St. Thomas University
Global Connect program fosters cultural exchange.
Indigenous students embark on a transformative journey in Costa Rica.
Study trip immerses students in Indigenous communities in Costa Rica.